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Financial Assistant

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Procedure for Financial Assistant - Private & NGO sector

  1. Receive applications/ courses from Standards & Accreditation division
  2. Call quotations from institutes
  3. Evaluate the quotation
  4. Obtain Commission’s approval
  5. Obtain the Hon. Minister’s approval and the Treasury approval 
  6. Sign agreements with institutes
  7. Receive bills/receipts on items procured by the institute
  8. Visit the institutes for verification of the items procured
  9. Reimburse the relevant cost
  10. Monitor the progress of the courses

Procedure for Financial Assistant - Public sector

  1. Select suitable activities specified in VET plans on priority basis
  2. Invite proposals from relevant public sector training providers
  3. Desk evaluation of proposals to select suitable institutes to provide assistance
  4. Field evaluation
  5. Obtain the Commission approval for selected institutes
  6. Obtain approval of the Hon. Minister
  7. Obtain the approval from the General Treasury
  8. Signing of agreements


Mr. T. Senthuran
Programme Officer
Tel: +94(0) 115862793
Mrs. Priyanga Nanayakkara
Programme Officer
Tel: +94(0) 115862793


Organization Information

Tertiary and Vocational Education Commission

'Nipunatha Piyasa'
3rd Floor,
Elvitigala Mawatha,
Colombo 05.

Telephones:011 7608000
Fax Nos:011 2555007

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Last Updated On: 2009-10-26 09:34:17
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