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Scientific Standardization Division

Vision :

"To promote standardization and quality control in industry and commerce while ;

uplifting the quality of life of the nation with standards in all sectors of the economy considering the national and international requirements & demand and enhancing relationships with all stakeholders in standardization"

Mission :

  • Formulate standards on national and International basis relating to structures, commodities, products, materials, practices, and operations
  • Revise, alter and amend the same for the current use.
  • Promote the adoption of such standards
  • Promotion of standards within the community and
  • Remove the trade barrier with harmonization of standards

Quality policy

The Standardization Division is committed to;

Perform its activities to the best of its ability to achieve the corporate goals of the Institution in formulation of National standards in line with the International standards

Achieve socio-economic development and enhance International competitiveness of products and services and safeguard the interest of consumers whilst developing the competence of staff of the Standardization Division paving the way to improve the functions of the Division on continual basis.

The Scientific Standardization Division is entrusted with development of National Standards for products and services to be used mainly in the industrial and trade sector. The division is consisted of three sections namely Agriculture and Food, Chemical and Cosmetic as well as Textile and Garments to facilitate development of standards in multidisciplinary manner addressing different categories.

Development of national standards may vary as Specifications for materials or products; they may be Code of Practices or guides giving recommended practices in same field of industry or may be Methods of Test or Glossaries of Terms. Also whenever feasible, as a policy, Scientific Standardization Division adopts and refers to International Standards such as ISO and ASTM to make the national standards inline with international requirements

Sri Lanka Standards are developed through Committees and as cooperative effort; by negotiations and consensus of all interested parties are concerned. This achieves through consultation of various expert groups representing manufacturers, consumers/users, Academia, research organizations, Public Institutions and Independent Technical Organizations.

The Scientific Standardization Division appoints technical committees called Sectoral Committees to advice and guides these standard formulation activities and these committees are managed by professionally qualified staff of the Sri Lanka Standards Institution who provides secretarial and technical assistance on matters pertaining to principles and procedures of standardization. The Scientific Standardization Division plays the role of a coordinating body whereby knowledge and experience available in the country to direct to the preparation of standards.

In the selection of standard formulation projects, priority is given to standards that facilitate internal and external trade and to enhance the international competitiveness of Sri Lankan products with the prime objective of safeguarding the interest of the consumers and the industry.

Currently there are over 1350 Sri Lanka Standards relating to products, materials, processes and practices. Many standards have been revised to entrust of new development of materials, processes and technologies.

Sri Lanka Standards are intended for voluntary adoption by those concerned unless made compulsory by Acts and Regulations.

The Scientific Standardization Division has been awarded ISO 9001: 2008 Quality Management System Certification by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) in 2009 which is an indication of rigorous quality of standards formulation process of the Division.

Details for contact:

Director (Scientific Standardization Division)

Tel: + 94 112 672614

Fax :+ 94 112 672614


The National Engineering Standards formulated by the Engineering Standardization Division are developed through a committee process and a consultative process with the voluntary involvement and the co-operative effort of all interested parties representing consumers, producers, users, public Institutions and independent technical Organizations.

The Institution appoints Technical Committees to advice and guide the Institution in these activities, with the aim of gathering all possible expertise in the best possible way to maximize benefits to the national economy from these Standardization activities.

National standards represent co-ordinated solutions for use in technology, commerce trade and administration and are intended to achieve;

  • overall economy in terms of human effort materials, power and other resources in the exchange of goods and services.
  • the protection of consumer interest through adequate and consistent quality of goods and services.
  • safety, health and protection of life, and;
  • provide a means of expression and of communication amongst all interested parties.

These standards may be specifications for materials or products; they may be codes of practice written in mandatory form or guides giving recommended practices in some field of industry; or they many be methods of test, glossaries of terms or may express some other form of standardization.

In the formulation of Standards, the policy of the Sri Lanka Standards Institution is to be in line with the International Standards and practices as far as practicable. To this effect International Standards are adopted, as Sri Lanka Standards, wherever feasible.

In the selection of Standards formulation projects priority is given to standards that facilitate internal and external trade and to enhance the international competitiveness of Sri Lankan products with the prime objective of safeguarding the interest of the consumer.

There are now around 1400 Sri Lanka Standards relating to products, commodities, materials, processes & practices. Many have been revised to take care of the developments in the new materials, processes and technologies. Such revisions are indicated with the year of revision. Sri Lanka Standards are intended for voluntary adoption by those concerned unless made compulsory under the provisions of the Sri Lanka Standards Institution Act or by specific reference to standards in other acts and regulations.


The Council of the SLSI appoints Sectoral Committees covering broad subject areas to advise the SLSI on standards formulation and implementation activities. Sectoral Committees presently in operation are given below.


  • Sectoral Committee on Electronic Engineering
  • Sectoral Committee on Electrical Appliances and Accessories
  • Sectoral Committee on Electric Cables and Conductors
  • National Electrotechnical Committee of Sri Lanka
  • Sectoral Committee on Information Technology
  • Working Group on Electrical Appliances and Accessories.
  • Working Group on Electric Motors
  • Working Group on Lightning Protection System


  • Sectoral Committee on Materials Mechanical Systems and Manufacturing Engineering
  • Technical Advisory Committee on Lubricant Industry
  • Working Group on Chain link fence fabric/ Structural Steel
  • Working Group on Plastics
  • Working Group on Aluminium Extrusions
  • Working Group on Galvanized steel pipes and fittings
  • Working Group on Steel


  • Sectoral Committee on Building and Construction Materials
  • Working Group on Compressed Stabilized Earth Block
  • Working Group on Revision of Septic tank standard (Part 2)
  • Working Group on Revision of cement Standards
  • Technical Advisory Committee on Code of practice for design and construction of biogas systems
  • Working Group on Specification for Tile Grout and Adhesives
  • Specification for fine aggregate for concrete and mortar
  • Working Group on national annexure for euro codes
  • Working Group on Specification for cationic emulsified asphalts
  • Working Group on Concrete Paving Blocks

Sectoral Committees are formed from experts in the respective areas drawn from manufacturers, consumers, independent research and testing organizations, and individual experts. Thus a Sectoral Committee constitutes of both members nominated from respective organizations as well as members appointed on a personal capacity.

SLSI in consultation with Sectoral Committees may appoint Working Groups to deal with specific standardization projects. Such Working Groups report to the relevant Sectoral Committee.

Chairpersons of the Sectoral Committees are appointed by the Council of the SLSI. These committees meet about once in two months or more often as necessary. Meetings of a committee are normally open only to members of the committee. Requests for attendance by visitors for special purposes should be directed in the first instance to SLSI which will issue and invitation in consultation with the Chairman of the Sectoral Committee.

Each standardization project is managed by a Standards Engineer of the Engineering Standerdization Division of the SLSI. There are several alternate procedures which are adopted based on the nature and complexity of the subject; availability of data, reference documents, other relevant standards, and information. The alternative procedures which are followed are indicated in a flow chart.

 Details for contact:

Director (Engineering Standardization Division)

Tel: + 94 112 672612


Sri Lanka Standards Institution (SLSI), being the national standards body in Sri Lanka, desires to participate in the work of International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and for this purpose National Electrotechnical Committee of Sri Lanka (NECSL) has been established. This Committee is called the National Committee by IEC. The National Committee is the primary point of contact for enquiries which are classified into four categories for processing as in the following table.

Type of Enquiry


General or commercial

Central Office of the IEC

Technical information

National Committee, Sri Lanka


National Committee, Sri Lanka

Conformity Assessment issues

National Committee, Sri Lanka

Contact details of the secretariat of the National Committee are given below:


National Electrotechnical Committee of Sri Lanka (NECSL)
Engineering Standardization Division
Sri Lanka Standards Institution (SLSI)
No. 17, Victoria Place
Elvitigala Mawatha
Tel: +11 2671567-72
Fax: +11 2672617


Organization Information

Sri Lanka Standards Institution (SLSI)

17 Victoria Place,
Elvitigala Mawatha,
Colombo 08,
Sri Lanka.

(Victoria Place is the lane adjoining the Telecommunication Regulatory Commission)

Bus Route Nos. 103, 135,131, 178
Bus halts:

  • Elvitigala Flats / Niromi Trade Centre (Travelling From Borella to Narahenpita)
  • Telecom Regulatory Commision (Travelling From Narahenpita to Borella)


Dr. (Mrs) Siddhika G Senaratne
Telephones:+94 11 2 671 567 - 72
Fax Nos:+94 11 2 671 579

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Last Updated On: 2017-06-23 15:50:05
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