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Payment of subsidy for rehabilitation of tea cultivation

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This subsidy scheme is operated for following agricultural practices in tea lands including pruning and supplying of vacancies.


  1. Being a smallholder who owns less than an extent of 2 acres land ( According to current subsidy policies)
  2. A period of 7 years should have been lapsed since cultivation had been established and in a stage suitable for pruning.
  3. It should be possible to maintain the cultivation for 10 years after supplying vacancies.
  4. Vacancies on the land should be grouped together and single vacancies are not eligible for this subsidy.
  5. It should not be seedling tea bushes. This subsidy is paid only for infilling in V.P. tea.
  6. The maximum number of vacancies could only be 1000 and subsidy could be applied for up to a maximum of 1000 and 750 plants respectively for Up/Mid country and low country

Places where applications could be obtained
Cultivation subsidy applications - Head office, all Regional offices, Te Inspector extension officers’ offices and sub offices on Wednesdays

Application fees
An amount of Rs.25.00 should be paid for subsidy applications

Times of submission
In November in the year prior to cultivation being ready for pruning

Fess payable to obtain the service

All extension services and farmer training programmes are provided free of charges. In addition, booklets prepared on tea cultivation could be purchased from any Regional Office or Head Office.

  • Steps for a good cultivation of tea - Price Rs.50
  • Infilling in tea lands - Price Rs. 40
  • Intercropping tea with coconut - Price Rs. 10

Time taken to obtain the service (Normal services and priority services)

Note: A replanting permit is valid only for 01 year.

Payments: Paid at the rate of Rs. 10/- per plant in two instalments

  1. Rs 7/- per plant is paid immediately after filling of vacancies on the recommendation of the Tea Inspector /extension Officer
  2. Balance Rs; 3/- per plant is paid after one year.

Staff officers in charge of the service

Designation Name Division Telephone Fax e-mail

Head Office

Deputy General Manager (Development)

Mr.M.B.Cyril Development 2784930 2784928
Regional Offices
Regional Manager or the Assistant Regional Manager of the relevant Regional Office
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Exceptions or deviations from above requirements and special information

Mana or Gautamala grass should be grown and maintained for 18 months in tea lands being infilled, then cut at ground level and specially prepared tea plants should be planted. Filling of vacancies with applying compost either in planting holes or trenches is allowed on lands owned by society members.

Organization Information

Tea Small Holdings Development Authority

No 70,
Parliament Road,

Mr. Saman Priyantha Rathnayake
Telephones:0117909021 / 0117909020
Fax Nos:

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