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Obtain Special Project Loans

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General Eligibility Criteria for Special Projects
The borrower should be 18-55 years of age.
The borrower should have prior experience in the related industries.
The borrower should maintain a Savings Account with the Bank.
The applicant should not be a defaulter from any other financial institutes

Documents Required

  1. Loan Application Form
  2. Documents related to the security to be offered.
  3. Estimate (Cost of the Project)
  4. Any other documents required by the bank
  5. Any other documents required by the bank

Time taken to disburse the Loan
Depending on the project, collateral, and the size of the loan the time may vary.

Application Form –Attached
Specimen Completed –Attached

1) Krushi Navodaya Loan Scheme
A special agricultural base credit scheme to the small farmers to purchase agricultural equipments, services and other inputs. The scheme envisages enhancing income generating avenues of the farming community.


  • To facilitate the small farmers to purchase agricultural equipments, services and other inputs for enhancement of their income level while generating new employment opportunities in the agriculture sector and related fields.
  • To open avenues for small farmers to move towards new technology, techniques and market opportunities.

For Whom

  • Small farmers and others who are engaged in Agri base self employment activities in the Agri Base Industries.

Eligible Loan Categories

  • Credit facilities will be grantd for following purposes to develop Agricultural and Agro – base industries.
  • Purchase of agricultural equipments.
  • Animal husbandry.
  • Extension services for agricultural activities
  • Organic farming and producing of organic fertilizer.
  • Enhancing storage facilities.
  • Micro irrigation, Drip-irrigation and distribution systems etc.
  • Development of protected agriculture.


  • Maximum amount per borrower would be Rs. 100,000/-*
  • Maximum amount for Drip Irrigation would be Rs. 350,000/-


Maximum repayment period will be up to 3 years.


2) “KAPRUKA AYOJANA” Coconut Development Loan Scheme
A credit scheme that facilitate to increase production of coconuts, productivity of coconut lands, employment opportunities in coconut plantations and enhance farm income and standard of living of coconut farmers.


  • To increase production of coconuts, productivity of coconut lands, employment opportunities in coconut plantations and enhance farm income level of coconut farmers.

For Whom
Owners or lease holders of coconut lands

Maximum up to Rs.10 Million for special projects

Eligible Loan Categories

  • New and Re planting coconut with Inter- cropping
  • Rehabilitation of coconut plantation
  • Coconut mono cropping
  • Irrigation for coconut Inter-crop farming systems
  • Nurseries – pineapple, Banana
  • Farm equipment for coconut estates

Up to a maximum of 5 years


Coconut Development Loan Scheme is temporarily suspended by the Coconut development authority

New Comprehensive Rural Credit Scheme (NCRCS)
A special loan scheme introduced for small farmers to ensure a market with better price to cultivate paddy and subsidiary food crops as approved by Central Bank of Sri Lanka and pre (production of seed and planting materials) and post cultivation activities (purchase and storage of paddy and other agricultural products.


  • To ensure a market with better price to small farmers.

For whom
Individual farmers/group or institutional customers who cultivate Paddy, Chilies, Red Onion, Big Onion, Pulsus, Oil Seeds, Other Cereals , Vegetable and Potato
Intermediaries who purchase agricultural produce under forward sales contacts.


  • Loans will be granted for following crops - Yala or Maha season
  • Seed farming, nurseries and planting material : Maximum loan amount Rs. 5 million
  • Purchasing of agricultural produce under forward sales contracts : Maximum loan amount Rs. 50 million

Eligible Loan Categories
To cultivate Paddy and subsidiary food crops as approved by Central Bank
Pre Cultivation - production of seed and planting materials
Post cultivation activities - purchase and storage of paddy and other agricultural products

Within 270 days

4) Loan Scheme to SMEs in the Mahaweli Area
A Credit scheme for Small and medium entrepreneurs in Mahaweli areas gazetted under the Mahaweli Authority Act, which is implemented jointly with the Mahaweli Authority of Sri Lanka. (In collaboration with Mahaweli Authority of Sri Lanka)


  • To facilitate the Mahaweli settlers to obtain modern technology, access to local and export markets and increase business and employment opportunities.
  • To expand the potential for value addition of the agricultural and other products in the Mahaweli area.

To Whom
Small and medium entrepreneurs in Mahaweli B, C, G, H, L , Walawe, Medirigiriya , Huruluwewa and Upper Mahaweli area , Kothmale and Victoria and any areas to be gazetted under the Mahaweli Authority Act in the future.
(Loan application should be forwarded to the bank through the recommendation from Residential Project Manager (RPM), Mahaweli Authority of Sri Lanka)

Eligible Loan Categories

  • Agro processing (rice milling, grain legume processing, fruit and vegetable processing, dehydration , etc )
  • Livestock production and processing.
  • Ornamental fish breeding and farming.
  • Fresh water fish processing ( filleting, smoking , drying etc )
  • Introduction of hi-tech agriculture (drip irrigation, tissue culture, green / net houses etc.)
  • Manufacturing of high tech machinery, equipment and spare parts.

Up to Rs. 10 million


Up to maximum of 4 years.

5) Agro Livestock Development Loan Scheme (ALDL)

A special loan scheme introduced to improve the income generating avenues of small farmers and others who are primarily engaged in dairy farming activities in the agricultural sector.


  • To facilitate the dairy farmers to purchase cows/hei‍fers, chilling equipment, services and construction of cattle sheds for enhancement of liquid milk production and to adopt new technology and techniques

To whom:
Small farmers and persons who are engaged in agricultural and dairy farming activities and require fixed and working capital

Eligible Loan Category:

  • Purchase of cows, heifers, equipment for the development of dairy projects and construction of cattle sheds.
  • Processing of liquid milk and production of milk based products.
  • Agro-based and agro-related processing industries.
  • Enhancing storage facilities in the processing industry.


Small dairy farmers -Maximum Rs. 400,000
Processing industry- Maximum Rs. 300 million

Up to a maximum of 5 years.

6) Loan Scheme for Footwear Manufactures

This loan scheme has been introduced under a project launched by the Sri Lanka Footwear Association together with the Ministry of Industrial Development, to finance small timers involved in the Footwear Industry in upgrading and modernizing their production process.


  • To upgrade and modernize the production process of entrepreneurs involved in the Footwear Industry.

To Whom
Small entrepreneurs who have been registered with Footwear Association and engaged in footwear manufacturing industry.

Eligible Loan Categories

  • Purchase of machinery and raw materials related to Footwear Industry.

Term Loan-Maximum Rs. 250,000
Working Capital - Maximum Rs. 250,000


Up to a maximum of 3 years.

Organization Information

Lankaputhra Development Bank

No 80,
Nawala road,

Mr. Sumeda Edirisuriya
Telephones:011 2821030 / 011 2821035
Fax Nos:011 2821031

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Last Updated On: 2023-03-15 09:05:04
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